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Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Review

Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Review

(originally posted on 01/10/2016, reposted 10/02/2017)

Hey guys! So it's definitely been a while, sorry about that. But on a different track, I just got back from Hawaii!! Yes, I was in America!

And of course, what does an Australian do when they go overseas? They go to Sephora of course! (where I live there's only one Sephora and it's about an hour away). Where I was staying in Hawaii, there were two Sephora's near us, one in walking distance and one a ten minute bus ride away.

Anyway, on with the review (P.S I've bought a lot of lipsticks so I'll be doing heaps of lipstick reviews in the next couple of weeks/months - it depends how frequently I post). So today I'm reviewing Kat Von D's Everlasting Liquid Lipstick. This is my first EVER Kat Von D product so I'm super excited to rant about it and tell you guys how it is.

So I bought mine in the colour "Requiem" it is a beautiful, light pinkish purple tone and is absolutely gorgeous. It is matte, of course, I don't buy them any other way ;).

So my first impression of this lipstick was HOLY COW IT'S KAT VON D ASJAJJDHAJGBFUSEHGRSGEDNSWNH and immediately wanted it, of course. I've seen a lot of hype over Kat Von D (not this product in particular, necessarily, though) and I have already seen the packaging of some products and of course the lipstick and loved the style. I, of course, tried the tester on my hand and was amazed at how quickly it dried and how strong and matte the colours were and instantly adored it and snatched one for myself.

So on to the product itself. It looks absolutely amazing, I adore it and love it. I never would have thought I would like this colour on me (I had my doubts) but when I put it on I fell in love. It is as matte as matte lipsticks get which means I sadly now have to invest in a good chap stick for my poor, chapped lips. But even thought it is a matte lipstick, it doesn't feel chalky, dry or cakey on your lips. It somehow feels almost creamy, it is a very comfortable lipstick to wear.

It, so far, hasn't crumbled or started to come off and I've been wearing it for about an hour and a half now so that's good. It also, like I said earlier, dried extremely quickly. And as stupid as it sounds, it sadly didn't smell like anything - it just smelt like lipstick. It didn't smell like flowers or foods, which is kind of a disappointment (I love my lipsticks smelling nice).

(Sorry about the bad quality, I just got it off my phone from snapchat)

So now is when I do my little makeup 'tests'. So for lipsticks I do lick test, kiss test, food test and removal.


The lick test went perfectly fine, nothing came off, no removal at all even when I rubbed at my lips a bit.

Kiss test went fine (obviously seeing as I was rubbing at my lips before), no residue left on my hand and no lipstick removed at all.

Food test is obviously a thing where it's not a disadvantage to the score if the lipstick comes off, but it is an advantage if it doesn't come off. So the results for the food test (I ate a strawberry which I just washed, so it was wet and I also tried rubbing the strawberry on my lips) came back a positive, there was no lipstick removal at all! (BONUSSSSSSSS, yay).

After finishing the rest of the review I went and did the removal test. I do this test because I have a lot of lipsticks that either leave a stain on my lips (even though they aren't a lip stain) or they are very hard to remove. So the Everlasting Liquid Lipstick was actually quite easy to remove. It didn't come off in one swipe, I had to go over my lips a little bit to get it all off, but not in the way where you scrub your lips and they're left all red and agitated. The removal being easy but not just one swipe shows that it is NOT the type of lipstick to come off unwanted throughout the day, which is good. My lips are also not stained at all.

The packaging of the lipstick was absolutely gorgeous, both the box and the tube. I love the Gothic look and feel of the brand and it just absolutely won me over before I even used or bought the product, which is very important. The lipstick tube is actually quite big (long) and it added to the character of the product nicely. I love the silver metallic flowers on the lid and how they change into black flowers on the tube. And I absolutely have to say, the Kat Von D logo is an absolute killer and I love it to death.

So now to the overall score, you guys do not have to listen to my score at all because I've been very limited to brands of makeup in my life and everything is also opinionated, e.g. you may hate the packaging. So I say pay more attention to the feedback, and less attention to the overall score (I keep the overall score as a personal thing for future references when buying/rebuying products so I can compare and know which one is better.) So my overall score is a 4/5. It didn't get 5/5 because I didn't feel like it was perfect or extremely special.

I loved the product, but I don't really see it ever being a top favourite of mine... and plus it didn't smell like anything ;).


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